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Editorial (page 03)
Pedro Russo
They say that all good things take time.... But it has taken almost a year to create this new issue of CAPjournal, and clearly this is too long even for the CAPjournal. The CAPjournal is produced on a voluntary basis, with logistical and editorial support Astronomical Union (IAU), the European Southern Observatory and EU Universe Awareness. expected to have more time available to dedicate to the CAPjournal in the years following the International Year of Astronomy 2009. However, we have found ourselves busier than ever, with many new and exciting projects in astronomy communication and education. Apologies for this.
But things are moving in a positive direction for the CAPjournal. The IAU is currently reorganising its education and public outreach efforts within the framework of the IAU Strategic Plan for the Developing World. On the public outreach front, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is just concluding the process of finding an IAU Public Outreach Coordinator (POC), who will coordinate efforts from around the world to promote public awareness, appreciation and education of astronomy and related sciences. As part of this remit, the IAU POC will take over editorship of CAPjournal — if all goes well from as soon as the next issue. With this dedicated effort CAPjournal will return to a publication schedule of three issues per year. Stay tuned for more developments on www.astro4dev.org.
Returning to the current issue, it may have been a long time in the making, but we hope that it was well worth the wait: the authors in this issue share their insights on a wide range of topics, ranging from rock’n’roll to evaluation, from history to citizen science.
Happy reading!

Pedro Russo