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Editorial (page 03)
Georgia Bladon
As the new Editor-in-Chief of CAPjournal I would like to first express my apologies for the long wait for this issue. Sarah Reed, my predecessor, decided to step down for private reasons in 2013, and it has taken us time to refuel the journal with the energy it needs to become a reality.
I would like to thank Sarah for her dedication to this publication and take this opportunity to wish her the very best in her future endeavours.
Following its period of hibernation I hope not only to continue with the high quality of articles that we have come to expect from CAPjournal, but also bring to it a new life. Having attended the CAP2013 conference in Poland, a review of which you can find in this issue, I have had the opportunity to engage with individuals and groups communicating astronomy to the public across the globe. Hearing about the innovative activities taking place has inspired in me a great sense of pride in this field and it is this that I hope you — our readers, contributors and peers — will share when reading CAPjournal. By pulling together the papers and articles of science communicators and astronomers at the top of their fields we can establish through this journal the best practices in communicating astronomy and provide the tools for others — professional and amateur — to host successful engagement activities that draw on the experience of their peers and predecessors.
In this issue you will find best practice articles on using Google+, engaging the public through social media and involving celebrities in outreach through Twitter. Amongst the research articles are a history of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and what we can learn from it about the use of flow diagrams, and a detailed guide to the factors that determine the aesthetic appeal of astronomical images; a must-read for astrophotographers and image processors. In addition, column articles address the use of visual language and how to avoid confusing an audience with it, and take a detailed look at the question which runs beneath everything we do: Why is Astronomy Important?
If you have any comments, feedback, or wish to send a submission or proposal of your own for our upcoming issues, do not hesitate to get in touch: editor@capjournal.org.
Many thanks for your interest in CAPjournal and happy reading,
Georgia Bladon