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Editorial (page 03)
Georgia Bladon
Welcome to the 22nd issue of CAPjournal, an issue that marks a decade since the first issue in October 2007.
With ten years behind us 2017 is a year of change for the journal as we prepare to hand the publishing reigns from the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) to a new home at the International Astronomical Union (IAU). This is a very natural and exciting move
for CAPjournal as it has always been a key part of the IAU Communicating Astronomy with the Public Commission and now
will have the chance to thrive and grow set firmly in the IAU’s hands. We are very excited to see the journal develop and grow in
its new home. At this time of change for the journal also comes my time for change and I have decided, after a privileged four
years of learning so much from you all, to step down as editor- in-chief. Thank you to all of the authors and readers who I have
worked with over the years; to the line of editors who came before me to which it is an honour to be part; and, of course, to
Executive Editor Lars Lindberg Christensen and the team of designers, distributors, web editors and proof readers at ESO who have
diligently worked to produce the journal since it rst began — I hope you will join me in thanking and congratulating them all.
In this issue of CAPjournal you will find articles exploring the value and challenges of working in venues
we do not usually associate with science — our libraries, airplanes and airport lounges. We look at the partnerships that grow
behind the scenes when we use new spaces and what these can mean for the reach and diversity of our activities. In other articles,
authors take astronomy to the hands of the public with 3D printing and “hands-on” computer visualisations; using modern technological
advancements to their absolute fullest. We are proud to have here another issue with projects and authors coming from around the
world — whether it be looking at astronomy events in Canada, science communi- cation through television in Iran, or science festivals
in the UK. We hope you will nd something in every article that can be moulded to your own setting and that you, in turn, will share
your learning with us so that we can continue to expand this global community.
Many thanks once again for your interest in CAPjournal, and happy reading,
Georgia Bladon
Editor-in-Chief of CAPjournal